TC Electronic Helix Phaser

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TC Electronic Helix Phaser
Factory loaded with epic phaser effectsEven if it wasn’t equipped with TC Electronic’s TonePrint technology, the Helix Phaser would already outclass typical phaser pedals by putting two distinct phaser effects within reach of your pedalboard. With the flip of a switch, the Helix Phaser lets you take your effect from the gritty swoosh you’d expect from a classic rock anthem to a jet-like smooth and rounded tone that’s more at home in a hair-raising solo. Many phasers are an all-or-nothing deal, but with its dedicated Mix and Feedback knobs, the Helix allows you to lay it on thick or dial it back as subtle as you like. Likewise, Speed and Depth controls make it easy to find the sweet spot between slow sweeps and psychedelic pulses.
TonePrint lets you customize your soundAs useful as they are, the Helix Phaser’s Vintage and Smooth settings are just two of the amazing tones you can get out of this agile guitar effects pedal. Thanks to TC Electronic’s TonePrint technology, you can turn your Helix into virtually any phaser you can dream up. For starters, there’s TC Electronic’s library of custom TonePrints to choose from, including several presets created by guitar gurus such as Scott Ian and Pete Thorn. But that’s just the beginning. With the TonePrint Editor loaded up on your Mac or Windows PC, you get full access to all of the parameters under the hood, allowing you to craft totally unique phaser tones of you own. Next time someone asks what that cool phase effect you’re playing through is, you can honestly tell them it’s one of a kind.
Digital flexibility meets analog fidelityDSP may be at the heart of the Helix Phaser, but it certainly doesn’t sound like a digital stompbox. That’s because TC Electronic knows how important it is to marry high-quality analog circuitry with their impressive digital processing. For example, the Helix’s Analog-Dry-Through function ensures that your unaffected signal remains totally untouched, so you won’t risk jeopardizing that killer tone you’ve spent so long perfecting. Also, you may have noticed that the Helix’s I/O is stereo, which also pretty handy. Finally, TC Electronic gives you the choice between buffered or true bypass, so depending on how many pedals you’re running or how you’ve put your rig together, you’ll always have the style of switching you want.